5 Favorite car seats / booster seats for Porsche Panamera


Well, being around I see that lots of Porsche enthusiasts are switching from regular 911s, etc to Panameras because they want to carry kids with them. They either go with a Cayenne or with a panamera. I have seen many questions being asked about what cars seat to use in your Panamera. Well, here is some info.

So, what car seat do I use in my Panamera?

Well, there is no car seat out there that will fit a Panamera perfectly because of the angle that the rear seat is installed in. Its set at a much steeper angle than any other car.  Problem is that “leveling bubble” will not perfectly set in place without putting something under the car seat base.

I have seen people use the “pool noodle” to raise the base. Make sure you get one without the hole in it. Others used polyethylene foam (has a construction spec to it) to make a filler for the seat, wrapped it in felt, than the base sat on that.  You can get one called Diono Sit-Rite if you dont want to bother with the noodles. Picture Here:


People have also used Maxi Cosi Prezi without anything under the base and they got the bubble on a level.  But its very tough it get the seat out of the base.

One member has been using Diono Radian RXT. Here are a few pics

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ECARO ProRIDE convertible car seat is another popular choice along Panamera owners as well as Nuna Pipa which is one of the lightest and strongest out there. Here is a quick video of the NunaPipa and a small article about it.

Booster Seats?

Someone recommended “CLEK” booster seats.  They have a rigid “latch” system that attaches the frame of the seat directly to the latch points in the rear seats. These seats are built like a rock and fit tight as drum in the back of the Panamera. The Cleks actually can recline or slide forward on their frame while still connected to the LATCH points. Here are some photos:

Others use RECARO ProBooster seat and ISOFIX by Maxi-Cosi seats with great results. I myself use Graco booster seat with great results as well. I think the angle of that particular booster seat is way to high. But it fits very good.